Monday, April 23, 2007


As I guess you can see I have learned about links. It is great to be able to create these links to all you marvelous people. I am out of time now but if it is o.k. I will be adding more of my favorite blogs to visit, that is you Emily, Christian, Kyla, and others. Vicki Church if you are out there and have a blog site please link to mine. Otherwise I will just link to george. :-)


Embly said...

horray links...I'm glad you like cam's (vertesi) blog...he's one of the reasons why I keep up blogging.

Duff said...

I'm the one why I keep me bloggins. So. HA!

n8 said...

aunt melinda, i like your link to me much more than the one on hilary's page ("numbingly logical") said...

Hi Embly, Yes I do like his site. One of the pluses of blogging for me is to explore the thinking and lives of others who are in places and doing things I will never do. It opens up a huge wonderful world.

Hilary said...

I don't know why n8 considers "numbingly logical" a slight almost. I mean, if I were planning to practice in estate and gift tax law, I'm pretty sure "numbingly logical" would be the only way to go, in fact, making the one-who-is-"numbingly logical" the best of the best in his field. Why can't it be a compliment? said...

I think it is the word "numbingly" perhaps if you used Magnificently Logical, Or Superbly Logical Or Breathtakingly Logical, You get the idea...

n8 said...

juliett, surely you cant be serious. ("i am ... and stop calling me shirley").

lets just compare adjectives here: we have "amazing," "capable," "creative," "devilishly good-looking," "erudite," "selfless," "sensational," aaaand ...... "numbingly logical."

Hilary said...

ah. well, i still find my experience of your logical reasoning "numbing."