Monday, September 22, 2008

Comment to Hilary

I was reading your blog with interest.  The comment on Russian novels caught me.  No longer a mind which is only academic - rather one which has gone with  sorrowful heart through death with friend, grief over people who hurt our dear loves, distress over sickness and debility in one formerly strong and vigorous ... ( For me even simple t.v. car chase scenes  can be hard to take --knowing Lori who was broadsided by a careless driver, years in recovery and still in pain.)  The life of Christ teaches that on this earth the bad guy often wins and destruction has its way.  Grief, the pain which cannot make it right.  The wrong which cannot be escaped.  Christ wept, we weep. Not overcome with evil but overcoming evil with good.   Sometimes working through the things which are actually happening is all we can do.  When we read or watch t.v., a diversion from the sadness is what our emotions need, not an emersion in another set of characters and the pain of their lives.  So enjoy your respites and when the mind is ready, it will approach those novels with an expanded and hard won comprehension, my dear, lovely niece.
P.S.  I really was sick Saturday night!  When I got home my temp. was 101 !

Friday, September 19, 2008

Pearce and his grammy GG

Pearce perceived his grammy G's heart and is here expounding on world peace.  She of course is delighted and amazed, as were we all.

For Best Results

Go down three blogs to begin.  Work backwards.  

His grandmother tries to do the same...

And fails.


I know that many of you may be astounded at the intellectual prowess of this tiny one.  Here you may see with your own eyes him explaining the meaning of the universe to his Aunt Susan.

Yes, it is true

There is a new wonder in the world.  This little miracle of perfection is my new great nephew, Pearce, with the emphasis on great.  He really is an intelligent little fellow and I do believe him part elvenkind. ( Note the pointed and perfect little ears)  Amy is being a dear mother to her baby boy, Cathy and Dave the proud grandparents.  We all agree he is an exceptional infant.  His Aunt Susan claims special kinship with him since they share the red hair.