Sunday, November 04, 2007

Chapel Hill and New clay source

Jim and I went to Chapel Hill Saturday. Jim reshaped the road with our wonderful, blue New Holland tractor. Jim drives that thing like he was born to do it! On the way back to Brandon, we drove down Hwy 18, past a place I had bought clay from once upon a time...sure enough there were lights on and a car present so we stopped to check it out. This particular dealer is only open on Friday and Saturday, but he is open! I joyfully bought 150 lbs of clay and am looking forward to working with it Wednesday. YiPEE


meredith said...

Would it be feasible to throw a pot out of all 150 pounds of that clay? I'm simply curious. I mean, think about how big that pot would be...

Hilary said...

Yay! There are some people who should always have a good source of properly malleable dirt, and you, Aunt Melinda, are one of those people. I am glad you found a clay man! said...

It would take a very big wheel to throw a 150lb block of clay, plus pretty long arms!