Monday, June 04, 2007


Frith splot Frith=brushwood, splot=plot of gound, sometimes used for splotch, splash

A neato word I came across in reading "The History of the Devil" by R. Lowe THompson. A poorly written hodge-podge of information that nevertheless contains some good beginning points for futher research.


Duff said...

I remember that book!

I think I understood his basic point (the image of the devil we understand today evolved from the horned god of Celtic and Greek mythologies of yore). But it was terribly written. said...

Yep, I think Ann Rice has probably read this book in relation to her witch book series. I have been thinking of the question, When is it stepping over the line and where is the line in fantasy work. And that in relation to writing it yourself...
In the Potter series, demons are not called upon, the dead are not consulted satan is not worshipped, human and animal sacrifice is not made, (historically witch craft has practiced these things...still do) (Voldemort sacrifices humans for his own ends and is labeled evil and is opposed.)
Her witches and wizards walk in parallel worlds and instead of using wire to harness the power around them use wands, they also are aware of and able to walk between the magic realm and the real world realm.

n8 said...

i havent read harry potter but i have seen the movie

n8 said...

aunt melinda, i cant believe that you dont want duff to get a motorcycle! it would be so ... um ... economical and gas-saving!