Thursday, March 01, 2007


o.k. I have been thinking alot about criticism lately. About being self-critical, situation critical, created work critical, child critical, & peer critical. The worst aspect of being critical is the expression of those adverse and diapproving comments and judgements. It can destroy self motivation to constantly be talking to oneself with a & d comments and judgements, it sure sounds like complaining when it concerns ones situation, it can freeze me on any art expression I am attempting, it can strip a child of self respect, depress and demotivate them, and with ones peers it can create tension, hurt, an unwillingness to work together. However if we do not exercise some analysis and judgement we can end up being really unpleasant selves, allow terrible things to continue without intervention in situations, never improve in our artistic endeavors, have a child think they are all that and a bag of chips (as Jamie always says) and become totally obnoxious, and render one's own ability to work in a group impossible. So I guess I have been rendering judgements on myself and expressing some self disapproving comments about some of my past critisims I have made, many of which stemmed from personal pride and prejudice, (hmm sounds like a good book title) and wondering how to better deal with the need to analyze, behave toward the execrable, and above all love and give thanks for all and in all situations, as Jesus has taught us. If anyone has any insights.....


msconflicted said...

Sometimes you just have to get out of your own way.

yames said...

well ma you tought me alot of what critisism is and believe it or not i now seek it out wanting to use it as a background of contrast to my own ideas. As well, i hope that i am not that child who believes he is all that and has become obnoxious but if i am than perhaps that child is looking for something beyond the usual critisism. And by usual critisim i mean an oposing view that is real to the individual whether it be right or wrong.
However, this question of critisism sounds to be more a pearsonal inquest than one towards others. So i now come to what i was thinking.
What this is was that there is an element of insecuriaty you feel in areas and this insecurity is not one that is unjustified when one looks at one self as human. Beings of creation that chose to cast themselves into a world not fit for a reflection of or the miniscual understanding of God.
And i suppose what i am trying to say is one, on a personal level, cannot help but be overwhelemd by a world of fear, sin, imperfection, and death. But, this is no cause for concern towards our attempts to deal with insecurity; rather a call to persue and question it so that we may further or understanding. I also gather that you are trying to justify your critices of others knowing of your many imperfections and that this hinders you. And all i have to say is that not being perfect we must see that our understandings can change.